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- VocalTec Internet Phone (TM)
- Version 3.1 (Build 19, public beta release) - 13 December, 1995
- ========================================
- Copyright(c) 1995 by VocalTec Ltd.
- This is version 3.1 of the Internet Phone software. It offers a few
- simple yet significant enhancements over the previous versions of the
- software.
- These include:
- - Internet Phone on the World Wide Web
- This version of Internet Phone lets you make calls to Internet Phone
- users from within a Web browser (This feature was checked to work with
- Netscape and Microsoft's Internet Explorer. It may not work on other
- browsers).
- Standard hypertext links to Internet Phone users or topics can be added
- to Web pages. When you choose such a link in a Web browser, the Web
- browser automatically runs Internet Phone, which connects to a server and
- starts a call to the user.
- Internet Phone maintains a local HTML file (IPHONE.HTM, located in the
- Internet Phone directory) to which you can add links to any Internet Phone
- user. This file serves as a sort of private phone-book, which you can
- access from within Internet Phone or from your Web browser. Adding new
- links to this file is simple: choose a Quick Dial button using the right
- mouse button and choose "Save HTML Link" from the pop-up menu. This adds
- to the IPHONE.HTM file a new link to the user listed under the Quick Dial
- button (by setting a button that holds your own name, you can save an HTML
- link to yourself). To add such links to other HTML files, simply cut and
- paste them from the IPHONE.HTM file to the desired file.
- This feature finally integrates the Internet Phone and the World Wide
- Web. At last, you can add an Internet Phone link to your Home Page. Users
- that surf the net can now contact you directly! Phone-books or user lists
- can be compiled on the Web. Organizations can now provide information,
- service, or support directly from within their Web site (for such a
- purpose, it is probably better to add a link to a topic - even to a
- private one - instead of to a specific user). These are only some of the
- many possibilities that this feature opens to Internet users.
- For more information on using this feature, choose "Search for Help On"
- from the Internet Phone HELP menu, type "Web" and open the corresponding
- topic.
- - Toolbox mode
- Another feature provided by this version of the software is the ability
- to turn the Internet Phone into a compact toolbox. This allows you to
- easily use Internet Phone while using other applications, without wasting
- precious desktop space.
- For more information on using this feature, choose "Search for Help On"
- from the Internet Phone HELP menu, type "toolbox" and open the
- corresponding topic.
- - The Preferences dialog box has changed to provide better control of
- the audio format used by the Internet Phone.
- In order to use Internet Phone, you need...
- -------------------------------------------
- 1. Windows 3.1 or higher.
- 2. 8MB of RAM recommended.
- 3. 486SX 25Mhz or faster recommended.
- For full-duplex conversation, a 486 50MHz is required.
- 4. Windows compatible audio board, with speaker and microphone.
- For full-duplex conversation, a full-duplex audio card or two different
- audio cards are required, and we recommend, for the full duplex mode, an
- earphone rather than a speaker. See http://www.vocaltec.com for an
- updated list of full duplex cards.
- 5. TCP/IP software with WINSOCK 1.1 support.
- 6. A SLIP/PPP, or direct Internet connection (14,400 baud minimum).
- You can skip this section if you are running setup from a distribution
- diskette:
- Installing the Internet Phone
- -----------------------------
- 1. Make sure that your microphone and speaker work properly,
- by recording yourself using the Microsoft's Sound Recorder.
- See "Preparing Your Audio Device" section, below.
- 3. Execute the self-extracting archive IPHONE18.EXE
- 3. Choose File/Run and execute C:\IPHONE\SETUP
- A new program-manager group file will be created, with icons for The
- Internet Phone and Help file
- 4. Double-click the Internet Phone / Internet Wave icon.
- 5. The first time you run the Internet Phone Software, a Quick Tour will
- be suggested to you.
- 6. Start talking with the rest of the world!
- Setting up for Full-Duplex Conversation
- ---------------------------------------
- 1. You must have a full-duplex audio card, or two different normal
- (half-duplex) audio cards in order to use full-duplex mode.
- 2. Make sure that the modem compression and (possibly) error
- correction is turned off. See "Modem Settings" below.
- 3. The Internet Phone will test your system performance and its
- capacity for Full-duplex support on the first time you run
- the new version. If you use two audio cards you will be asked to
- specify which one to use for speaking and which one for listening.
- You can change those settings later in the Options/Preferences dialog.
- Full-duplex mode will not be set if your system does not have a
- full-duplex audio card, or two audio cards.
- 4. Choose "Full Duplex" from the tool bar or from Options menu.
- 5. When starting a conversation, the bottom status line will show you
- the connection mode:
- - Full Duplex - both sides are using full-duplex mode. Both sides
- can talk and listen at the same time.
- - Local FDX - your system is in full-duplex mode, but the remote
- system is only half duplex. The conversation will be half
- duplex, but you will be able to break into your partner's
- speech.
- - Remote FDX - your system is set up for half-duplex operation,
- and remote system is set for full-duplex operation.
- - Speak/Listen - Normal half-duplex display.
- Problems using Full-Duplex Conversation
- ---------------------------------------
- The most obvious problem with full-duplex conversation is acoustic
- feedback. It is strongly recommended to use full-duplex mode with a headset.
- Alternately, try lowering the speaker volume, and put it as far as possible
- from the microphone.
- Improper setting of your full-duplex configuration, might interfere with
- your partner's speech: If a half-duplex user is calling you, and your
- voice-activation is set too low, every time his speech is heard in the
- speaker, it might trigger your system to start transmitting. Since your
- partner's system is half-duplex, it will stop speaking and start hearing
- what you're transmitting to him - his own speech!
- Removing the Internet Phone
- ---------------------------
- If you installed the Internet Phone, and wish to remove it, or even
- just to re-locate it in another directory, then you should do the
- following:
- 1. Load the file WIN.INI into a text editor (e.g. NOTEPAD)
- 2. Locate the "[Sounds]" section
- 3. Inside that section, remove all "Internet Phone" sounds.
- 4. If you then run the Internet Phone again, it will re-install its
- sound files from its new current directory.
- 5. If you relocate the Internet Phone without removing these entries,
- you'll notice that the indication sounds (busy, ringing, etc) are
- gone.
- About The Internet Phone Network
- --------------------------------
- The Internet Phone uses the Internet Phone Servers Network to show
- the currently on-line users. The actual conversation is performed
- directly between the PC's running the Internet Phone, and not via the
- servers.
- To get the latest list of servers, get the file IRCSRVRS.INI from
- the FTP site:
- ftp.vocaltec.com /pub
- or from our WEB site
- http://www.vocaltec.com/net.html
- and copy it into your local C:\IPHONE directory.
- Selecting a Server
- ------------------
- In order to use the Internet Phone, you must be connected to an Internet
- Phone Server, which uses the IRC protocol.
- When you first run the Internet Phone, You have to choose an Internet Phone
- Server from the list of Internet Phone Servers. You can select a different
- server anytime you like.
- It is better to select the server nearest to you. However, there isn't any
- difference which server you connect to: All servers hold an updated list
- of all Internet Phone users.
- Once you're connected to the network, you can call any other Internet
- Phone user that is connected to the Internet Phone network. There is no
- need for both of you to use the same Internet Phone Server.
- Please note that by "nearest" we mean over the net, but usually
- geographically close places have a better network connection.
- It is possible to connect to IRC servers outside of the Internet Phone
- network. In this case, will be able to talk only with Internet Phone
- users using the same network.
- Technical Support
- -----------------
- Before calling VocalTec for technical support, please do the following:
- 1. Check the troubleshooting from the Help menu in the Internet Phone.
- It contains a list of problems and solutions.
- 2. Look at the technical support page on our Web server:
- http://vocaltec.com/trouble.html
- 3. Select "Technical Support" from the Help menu for information on how
- to contact VocalTec.
- Modem Settings
- --------------
- Modem Settings:
- The modem initialization string should be changed to allow faster transfer:
- 1. You should add the characters "%C0\N1" to the string to disable data
- compression and error corrections.
- It is possible that different modems will use different AT commands.
- If your modem does not response correctly to the above commands
- you should look for the AT command table in your modem documentation
- for the right commands.
- 2. To edit the initialization string in Netmanage Chameleon you can
- enter setup/modem/initialize and add the above characters to the string.
- 3. In Trumpet you can edit your "login.cmd" script. Look for the line:
- "$modemsetup = "&C1..." and add the above characters to the string.
- 4. If you are using some other TCP/IP software as your Internet connection,
- Try to find out the way to edit the modem initialization string.